Sunday, September 1, 2024

Why Wont My Herpes Go Away

How Do You Get Herpes

Canker Sore Wont Heal (Relief, Symptoms, Treatments, Prevention)

There are two different herpes viruses: Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 and Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 .

While rare, a mother can pass genital herpes to the baby during vaginal childbirth.

Herpes is most easily transmitted when sores are open and wet, because fluid from herpes blisters easily spreads the virus. But herpes can also shed and be passed to others when there are no sores and the skin looks totally normal. Most people get herpes from someone who does not have any sores. When used consistently and correctly, condoms help protect against herpes and many other STDs.

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Is There A Link Between Herpes And Hiv

Genital herpes is one of the most common co-infections for people with HIV. It can be a more serious condition if you̢re HIV positive Рoutbreaks may last longer and blisters can be more severe. If you̢re having recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes, you should have an HIV test, as this may be a sign of a weakened immune system caused by HIV.

Having an STI such as genital herpes can increase your risk of getting and passing on HIV. The blisters and sores provide an easy way for HIV to get into your body and cause an infection.

People with HIV who arenât on treatment or who have a lower CD4 count are more likely to get other infections, like herpes.

If youâre taking antiretroviral treatment for HIV, itâs important to discuss this with your doctor. They can advise how treatment for herpes may interact with your HIV drugs.

The Early Warning Signs Of Genital Herpes

Once you learn to identify the early warning signs of a genital herpes outbreak, you can take action to avoid the worst outbreak symptoms.

The most common sign of genital herpes is the development of blisters around the genital area. Herpes simplex blisters are often itchy and painful.

Other symptoms may accompany the blisters to indicate early warning signs of genital herpes:

  • -Difficult or painful urination
  • -Wash your hands immediately after any possible contact with sores to prevent the spread of infection
  • -Take medication as directed by your healthcare professional
  • -Use natural treatments known to reduce discomfort and accelerate healing
  • -Use foods and supplements known to strengthen your immune system
  • -Use the Luminance RED on current outbreaks and in-between

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Can Genital Herpes Cause Other Problems

For most women, genital herpes does not usually cause serious health problems.

Women with HIV can have severe herpes outbreaks that are long-lasting. Herpes also may play a role in the spread of HIV. Herpes sores can make it easier for HIV to get into your body. Also, herpes can make people who are HIV-positive more likely to spread the infection to someone else.

Differences Between Oral And Genital Herpes Outbreaks

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The location of the sores is the main difference between the two types of herpes. Oral herpes sores generally develop on the mouth and lips, usually at the border of the lip where it meets the skin of the face.

Genital herpes sores can occur in a wider variety of locations depending on where the virus entered the body. These locations may include:

  • For women and men:

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Can Herpes Ever Go Away Never To Come Back

The Herpes Simplex Virus Infection infection can hide away in a persons nerve cells for months or years before reappearing and reactivating the infection. Experts suggest that even if antiviral drugs destroy the active parts of the infection, it only takes a small amount of the virus to hide in the nerve cells and become dormant for the herpes virus to continue.

Treatment For Genital Herpes

There are three antiviral medications that are FDA-approved for the treatment of genital herpes:

  • Acyclovir: The oldest antiviral medication for herpes is acyclovir. It has been available since 1982 in a topical form and sold since 1985 in pill form. Acyclovir has been shown to be safe in persons who have used it continuously for as long as 10 years.
  • Valacyclovir: A newer drug, valacyclovir, actually uses acyclovir as its active ingredient. This medication delivers acyclovir more efficiently so that the body absorbs much of the drug, which has the advantage of taking the medication fewer times during the day.
  • Famciclovir: Famciclovir uses penciclovir as its active ingredient to stop HSV from replicating. Like valacyclovir, it is well absorbed, persists for a longer time in the body, and can be taken less frequently than acyclovir.

Antiviral medication is commonly prescribed for patients having a first episode of genital herpes, but they can be used for recurrent episodes as well. There are two kinds of treatment regimens: episodic therapy and suppressive therapy.

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Specimens And Viral Cultures

Genital specimens were collected by swabbing the lesions with a Dacron swab moistened in MEM supplemented with penicillin, streptomycin, glutamine, and 2%8% fetal calf serum . Isolation of HSV-2 was performed by placing the specimens on monolayers of mink lung cells and observing them for characteristic cytopathic effects .

What Are The Signs Of Herpes In Women

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Like men, women who have HSV-1 or HSV-2 may have no symptoms or signs of the infection. Some women may only have an initial outbreak and no other recurring symptoms. Others may have chronic recurring outbreaks of the herpes virus, and some women may not have an outbreak for months or even years after they have first been infected.

In the first herpes outbreak, symptoms usually start within 2 weeks of contracting the virus. The initial symptoms may include:


-Around the buttocks or thighs

-Inside the cervix or urinary tract

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Can You Get Herpes On Your Tongue

While you may associate herpes type 1 with cold sores on your lips, it is possible to suffer from the symptoms of herpes on your tongue. This is referred to as oral herpes and usually affects more of your mouth than just your tongue. More than half of all adults in the United States are thought to have oral herpes.

What Are The Symptoms Of Herpes

Many people with genital herpes wonât get any symptoms, or may get symptoms for the first time months or even years after they were infected.

For most people, the first blisters go away within a month. Although the outbreaks clear-up by themselves, the virus stays in the body. This means that people usually get blisters again â which is called having a ârecurrent outbreakâ. Outbreaks usually become shorter and less severe over time.

Other symptoms can include:

  • tingling or burning around the genitals

  • feeling unwell, with aches, pains and flu-like symptoms

  • unusual vaginal discharge in women.

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How Do You Get Genital Herpes

Herpes is a common infection caused by herpes virus. The virus causing herpes is of two types, namely, herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 .

Genital herpes is a type of sexually transmitted disease caused mostly by HSV-2. Although HSV-1 can cause herpes rash in the genital area, it is less frequent compared with HSV-2. HSV-1 spreads by skin-to-skin contact, whereas HSV-2 spreads by sexual contact. Genital herpes rash is present on or around the genitals . When rash is in or on around the lips, mouth and throat, it is called oral herpes.

Herpes virus dies quickly outside the body. You cannot get herpes from holding hands, hugging, coughing, sneezing or sitting on the toilet seat.

How Is Herpes Simplex Diagnosed

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Healthcare providers may diagnose herpes simplex based on how the sores look. Your provider may take a sample from the sore. Laboratory analysis of the sample can confirm or rule out the herpes virus.

If you dont have sores, your healthcare provider can use a blood test to check for HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibody, a marker showing youve been exposed to the virus. The blood test doesnt show an active infection . But it informs your provider whether youve been exposed to the herpes virus in the past. If this is your first infection, you may not test positive for herpes if there hasnt been enough time for your body to develop antibodies. The HSV-1and HSV-2 antibody test may be repeated in eight to 12 weeks.

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How Is Genital Herpes Diagnosed

If you have a herpes sore, your dermatologist can often diagnose you by looking at the sore and taking a swab from the sore. A lab test can tell whether the sore contains the herpes simplex virus , which is what causes genital herpes.

If you dont have a sore or any symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control doesnt recommend testing for most people. You can learn whether you should be tested if you dont have symptoms at:

What Are Genital Herpes Infections Like

The first herpes infection is usually the worst one. Genital herpes infections come back over and over again. The first time, you may have one sore or many sores. The sores are painful. Some may be hidden inside the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from your bladder. The sores make urination painful. Some people also have a fever, a sore throat, deep tiredness and body aches. These problems might last three weeks.

After the first infection, HSV sores can come back any time. They often come back when you are sick with something else and when your immune system isnât strong enough. Genital herpes might come back 4 to 6 times a year at first. After a few years, the herpes sores hurt less. They come back less often.

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Is There A Way To Prevent Getting Herpes

You can protect yourself and your partner by taking steps to prevent an outbreak of herpes. Some things that you can do include:

-If you already have herpes, dont have sex until the outbreak is completely gone, even with a condom.

-Try to learn the signs of an impending outbreak, such as itching, tingling and burning, and stop having sex as soon as you notice.

-If you wear contact lenses, dont wet your lenses with your saliva. This could spread your herpes infection to your eyes.

-Dont have sex with your partner until your herpes sores are completely healed.

-Always tell your partner if you are infected with the herpes virus before you have sex. Even though it can be embarrassing and difficult, herpes is very common, and telling your partner will help keep the infection from spreading.

How Do You Treat Herpes

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Theres no cure for herpes, but prescription medications can ease symptoms, end outbreaks sooner, and lower the chances of passing the virus to other people.

You can also help ease the pain caused by herpes outbreaks by taking a warm bath, wearing loose clothing and putting an ice pack on the sores.

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What Can I Do If I Have Herpes Simplex 2

Many people who find out they have herpes feel depressed knowing they’ll always have the virus and can give it to others. But you arent alone. Herpes is one of the most common STIs, both in the U.S. and worldwide. If you have herpes, you should:

  • Learn all you can about it. Information will help you to manage your disease and feel better about yourself.
  • Talk about your illness with your doctor.

If you have herpes, you can still:

  • Have sex if you use a condom or dental dam , and you tell your partner about your illness. Some couples, who have sexual relations only with each other, may choose not to use condoms even though one partner has herpes. Because each situation is different, you should ask your doctor if this is the right choice for you in your relationship.
  • Have children. People with herpes can still give birth to healthy babies. If you have herpes and plan to have children, discuss your illness with your healthcare provider.

If you have herpes, you should also get checked for HIV and other STIs .

Should I Talk To A Doctor About It

Now that you have a broad idea of how to differentiate a genital herpes ulcer from other commonly encountered conditions, you should consult your doctor when you suspect genital herpes for the first time. The first episode of herpes can have more noticeable symptoms than recurrences later will and it will be less difficult to ensure that the prognosis is benign and rule out more harmful conditions.

Herpes is still a condition often associated with anxiety, fear, and shame. Your healthcare provider can talk to you about your feelings in that regard and give you support and guidance.

With any genital condition, it is important to have the correct diagnosis made by your doctor, who will use laboratory tests for confirmation to establish a proper management plan.

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Is There Research On Curing Herpes

Yes, there is ongoing research that aims to find a cure for herpes a cure may be available in the future, but this remains uncertain. Current research includes:

  • Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering research into a genetic technique called gene-editing has shown some promise. It aims to deactivate the virus by affecting its DNA, which is essential for its survival. Results are currently inconclusive.

There is also ongoing research into some vaccines these teach the body to reject the virus. Examples are TheraVaxHSV-2 and GEN-003, which aim to treat genital herpes. Both have shown promising initial results for both strains of the virus, with GEN-003 being further along in its stage of clinical trial testing. Results are currently inconclusive, but the vaccines are still undergoing further clinical trials.

How Long Before The First Outbreak

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If someone has contracted HSV but not yet experienced a herpes outbreak, truthfully theres no 100% accurate way to determine when one will occur. An outbreak can occur within a week of exposure, or years later.

First, consider that everyones body is different, as is their immune system. If a person has a strong immune system, then it can be possible for an outbreak to occur years after contracting the virus.

Whats more, some strains of HSV are more forceful and aggravating than others.

There is what is considered typical, and that is that people often have their first outbreak two weeks after contracting it. But this just isnt reliable, because its equally accepted that people can often have outbreaks after two years.

Thats why so many people will have trouble pinpointing when they got herpes at all. There are varied statistics and possibilities:

  • People who already had HSV-1 when they contract HSV-2 may be less likely to show symptoms right away.
  • Many people are asymptomatic carriers, which seems to be true more often with men, having no symptoms whatsoever but able to pass it on for decades.
  • Particularly for women, the first outbreak is usually the most severe and recurrences may be more common.
  • HSV-1 can be passed from the mouth to the genitals, and the outbreaks may be milder than those caused by HSV-2.
  • Some strains of the virus are less persistent than others.
  • 88% of people who have it dont realize they do.
  • Stress is a common trigger for an outbreak.

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    Use The Luminance Red

    The Luminance RED is a breakthrough cold sore treatment that harnesses powerful light technology to shorten healing time and decrease the frequency of new outbreaks.

    This FDA-registered device nourishes the skin with red light, which is metabolized to accelerate the bodys healing process and strengthen its defenses against future attacks. Regular use of the Luminance RED not only shortens the healing time of active outbreaks, but it can prevent future outbreaks altogether!

    The Luminance RED was designed with ideal wavelength and irradiance specifications to maximize efficiency in treating and preventing cold sore outbreaks. Thanks to the Luminance RED, light therapy has become one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent unwanted cold sore and genital herpes outbreaks.

    Is There A Cure Or Treatment For Herpes

    Theres no cure for the herpes virus yet. A herpes vaccine doesnt currently exist, as the herpes virus has more complicated DNA than most infections, creating challenges for researchers.

    However, medication can help with symptoms, like sores, and outbreaks. Medication also lowers the risk of transmission to others. You can take most medications for herpes orally, though you may also apply some as a cream or receive them by injection.

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    How Is Herpes Simplex Treated

    Some people have few to no herpes outbreaks and choose not to have treatment. But many people prefer to use medications that shorten outbreaks and reduce symptoms.

    During an outbreak, you may use an antiviral ointment or cream to help lessen your symptoms and help them go away faster, but it only works if you start it soon after you start an outbreak. Many people with HSV-2 take daily oral medications to keep outbreaks at bay.

    Your provider may prescribe a topical medication or oral medication such as:

    How To Treat Herpes Scars

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    If you do end up with scarring from herpes sores, you may be able to reduce their appearance with home treatments. Keep in mind that many scars fade gradually on their own, even without treatment.

    Be aware that evidence for the effectiveness of these treatments is mostly anecdotal. Theres little clinical evidence to support these claims.

    Home treatments for herpes scars include:

    • Vitamin E. You can purchase vitamin E in gel caps in the vitamin section of your drug store or online. Pierce the capsule with a needle and squeeze out the liquid. Rub the liquid on the scar, massaging gently for three to five minutes. Repeat this daily as long as you see results.
    • Coconut oil. Some claim that coconut oil can help to reduce scarring over time, though research is mixed. To use coconut oil on your herpes scar, heat the oil in the microwave, making sure its not too hot. Gently massage the oil into the scar and the area directly around it. Repeat one to two times per day until youre satisfied with the change.
    • Aloe vera. This cooling product may be commonly associated with burns, but it may also help ease scarring. Apply the gel directly to the scars. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and soap.

    These home remedies for scarring usually wont get rid of a scar completely.

    If the herpes scar is very noticeable and causes discomfort, you can talk with a dermatologist about scar-reducing procedures, such as dermabrasion or laser therapy, to reduce the signs of scarring.

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