Thursday, September 5, 2024

Can I Donate Blood With Herpes

Your Iron Levels Are Too Low

VERIFY: Yes, vaccinated people can give blood without issues

Hemoglobin, a protein found in your red blood cells plays an essential role in transporting oxygen to your bodys organs and tissues and back to your lungs. Hemoglobin also contains much of your bodys iron. So when someone says that your iron levels are too low, that is actually a misleading way of stating that your hemoglobin levels are too low for you to safely donate blood.

Hemoglobin levels are measured in grams per deciliter. In their eligibility requirements list The American Red Cross states that:

In order to donate blood, a woman must have a hemoglobin level of at least 12.5 g/dL, and a man must have a hemoglobin level of at least 13.0 g/dL. For all donors, the hemoglobin level can be no greater than 20 g/dL.

If youve had trouble giving blood in the past due to low iron/hemoglobin levels, you can combat these deficiencies by eating iron-rich foods, especially meat and animal products . If you are vegetarian, breads and pastas, beans, peanuts, lentils, tofu, and eggs are also good sources of iron, although your body cannot absorb the iron they contain as easily.

Hesitations Toward Blood Donation

Although 37% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, less than 5% do so annually, according to a 2012 study published in the journal Transfusion. Among the commonly cited reasons why people avoid donating is the presumption that they are medically disqualified to donate.

Many of these attitudes stem back to the 1970s and 1980s when reports of infection among hemophiliacs given tainted blood fueled fears among donors and recipients alike. During those years, no less than 6,000 hemophiliacs in the United States became infected with HIV, hepatitis, or both.

Although doubts about the safety of the U.S. blood supply have largely subsided due to advances in blood screening, there are some who avoid donating because it may reveal that they havean infection like HIV or hepatitis.

If you have hepatitis and have a type that does not restrict you from donating, it is worth considering given the public need. If you think you might have hepatitiseither due to the presence of symptoms or because of a known exposurebut are fearful of donating because it may confirm your concern, know that the sooner hepatitis is identified, the more sooner you can access treatment that can keep you well and healthy for many years.

Basic Requirements Of A Platelet Donor

  • Donors can donate once they have reached their 18th birthday.
  • 1st time donors can donate up to their sixty-sixth birthday.
  • Must have donated blood at least once before.

Weight Platelet Donor

  • Donors need to have an adequate haemoglobin to donate.
  • Haemoglobin levels have been set at 125 g/l for females and 135 g/l for males.
  • Donors will have their blood count checked each time they come to donate. We do this by taking a tiny drop of blood from the fingertip.

How often can I donate platelets?

  • All Platelet donors can donate every 4 weeks.

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More Information On Eligibility To Donate

National eligibility guidelines must be followed when people donate blood in the blood service in specific countries. To find out whether any health conditions, medications, professions or travel history to could affect your ability to give blood, please search for detailed information in the national/local blood services.

Why Is Testing For Genital Herpes Only Recommended For People Who Have Symptoms

Can I Donate Plasma If I Have Herpes

CDC recommends herpes testing for people who have genital symptoms for herpes to confirm that they are infected. These events are called having an outbreak, and they appear as blisters on or around the genitals, rectum, or mouth. The blisters break and leave painful sores that may take weeks to heal. Testing allows a doctor to talk with you about what to expect in the future, which medications are available to help manage any symptoms, and how you can lower your risk of spreading the infection to your sex partner.

If you have a partner with genital herpes, testing can tell if you also have the virus. If you are not infected, your doctor can talk to you about ways to lower your risk of getting genital herpes. If you are a pregnant woman and have a partner with genital herpes, it is very important to get tested. If you get genital herpes during pregnancy your baby could also become infected. Herpes infections in babies can be life-threatening. If you are infected, your doctor will talk to you about your diagnosis and the possible symptoms of genital herpes. In addition, herpes blood testing may be useful if you are seeking a complete STD exam, especially if you have multiple sex partners.

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Get A Rapid Std Test And Verify Your Eligibility To Donate Blood And Save Lives

Now that you know the answer to the question about whether you can donate blood if you have herpes, you are probably considering getting tested. AtRapid STD Testing, we keep the process of getting tested for STDs convenient, affordable, and private. You can order at-home tests or get tested at one of our nearby STD testing centers and then check your results online within one to three days.

Contact us at Rapid STD Testing today to order a test panel or find STD testing centers near you.

Can I Give Blood After Having Coronavirus Or The Vaccine

Yes, but if you have had COVID-19 please read our full coronavirus guidance for rules on attending a session before making an appointment to donate.

If you have had a coronavirus vaccine as part of the UK vaccination programme, please wait 7 full days after having the vaccine before coming to give blood on the 8th day.

Don’t Miss: Can You Donate Blood With Herpes

Check You Are Able To Give Blood

Use this quick list to check you can give.

You can also read some of the most common eligibility questions we receive from blood donors.

If you have a health condition, have travelled out of the country recently, or if you answer yes to any question on your Donor Health Check questionnaire, please call 0300 123 23 23 or check the health & eligibility or travel section for further advice about whether this affects you donating blood.

The common reasons donors should check if they can give blood are:

  • if you are receiving medical or hospital treatment
  • if you are taking medication
  • after travelling outside of the UK
  • after having a tattoo or piercing
  • during and after pregnancy
  • if you have cancer
  • after receiving blood, blood products or organs

If you have any questions then contact us by completing a web form or call us on 0300 123 23 23.

Can I Donate If

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For whole-blood donation, you can make an appointment using our simple on-line form. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding donation, call the NIH Blood Bank at 496-1048. We can also answer many of your questions via email at .

Below, you will find a list of questions donors frequently ask. The eligibility criteria for donation at the National Institutes of Health Department of Transfusion Medicine reflects local NIH policy as well as national regulations. Although all blood banks are required to follow general federal regulations, specific criteria may vary, depending on each blood banks internal policies. If you are donating at a blood bank other than the NIH Blood Bank, contact that bank with any questions regarding your eligibility.

Can I donate if

Can I donate if I am taking aspirin? You cannot donate platelets if you have taken aspirin in the last 48 hours.

Can I donate if I am 16 years old? You must be at least 17 years old to donate at the NIH Blood Bank or Donor Center at Fishers Lane.

Can I donate if I am 70 years old? There is no upper age limit for donation.

Can I donate if I have traveled to other countries? There is a slight risk of exposure to infectious agents outside the United States that could cause serious disease. Donor deferral criteria for travel outside the US are designed to prevent the transmission of three specific organisms from donor to recipient:

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Can You Give Blood If You Suffer From Cold Sores

According to the NHS Blood and Transplant website Give Blood, more than 25% of people in the UK will require blood from a donor at some point in their lives, and only 4% of adults are currently donating their blood to the cause.

With so many people needing blood from donors in emergencies and for long-term treatments, it is important that the individuals who can give blood do so.

To Be Eligible To Donate Blood You Must

  • be in good health and feel good
  • be aged between 18 and 70. You can donate for the first time until the age of 59 and, after you have turned 66, you can continue if you have donated less than two years ago. If youre over 60 years of age and theres been a long break since your previous blood donation, or if youve previously donated blood outside Finland, bring with you a document showing your previous donations.
  • weigh at least 50 kg and no more than 200 kg. The minimum weigh is due to the amount of blood collected and the maximum due to the carrying capacity of our donation beds.
  • have a Finnish personal identity code
  • have an official photo ID with you or a driving licence . If you dont have a Finnish personal identity code on your ID you also have to bring an official document to verify it . Together they are a valid ID.
  • your blood haemoglobin concentration must be good . Your heamoglobin concentration will be measured by us, so you don´t have to know your value in advance.
  • have lived at least for the last three months in Finland or some other EU or EFTA state or in the UK
  • be capable of filling in the donors health questionnaire in Finnish, Swedish or English, and have a short discussion with the nurse on your state of health

Fill in the electronic health questionnaire on the day of the blood donation or the day before.

You can check your minimum interval date with the donation date calculator.

Read more about possible blood donation restrictions below:

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Age: Can I Be Too Young Or Too Old To Give Blood

Anyone who is healthy and older than age 16 can give blood.

16-year-olds must weigh at least 125 pounds and provide signed parental permission to donate blood 17-year-olds must weigh at least 125 pounds 18+ year-olds must weigh at least 110 pounds.

There is no upper age limit on blood donation. Senior citizens contribute greatly to the communitys life-saving blood supply.

Can You Give Blood If You Have Herpes

Can You Donate Blood if You Have Herpes?

August 24, 2022 by Bryan Davis

Blood donation is an integral part of health care. It is often the only way to get blood for a patient who needs it. There are many reasons why people need donated blood, including cancer, trauma, sickle cell anemia, and leukemia.

To make sure that the donated blood does not harm the patient, there are specific requirements that you must meet.

One of these requirements is that you must not have any infectious diseases, but what about if you have Herpes? Can you donate blood? The short answer is YES you can donate the blood but with few exemptions.

You can donate blood if you dont have an active infection or the virus has left your body. Lets first evaluate the symptoms and types of Herpes before looking further into whether or not someone with Herpes can donate blood.

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Your Good Health: Blood Donations Possible If You Have Herpes Simplex 1 Or 2

Dear Dr. Roach: If a person has been exposed to herpes 1 and 2, can that person be a blood donor? Could a person catch herpes by sitting on a toilet seat that has been used by an infected person? Are scientists working on a cure for herpes?


There remains a stigma against people with genital herpes, which is almost always caused by herpes simplex virus type 2.

However, most people with genital herpes will not have major disruptions to their lives provided they take some precautions.

First off, a person with herpes simplex virus type 1 or HSV-2 certainly can donate blood.

Second, being exposed doesnt guarantee infection.

Third, blood testing is not perfect. Fourth, getting any kind of sexually transmitted infection from a toilet seat is very unlikely.

Herpes viruses have a very difficult time getting through intact skin, which is why most exposures come through mucus membranes, especially of the genitals and mouth.

There is a type of herpes in wrestlers, called herpes gladiatorum or mat herpes, and it can be transmitted from person to person through skin-to-skin contact, especially if the skin is raw or chafed.

Once a person has herpes of either variety, there is no cure.

The virus stays in the nerve cells. There is extensive work being done both on preventing transmission and curing existing infections, but herpes viruses are very good at escaping the immune system. This makes herpes difficult to treat.


Can You Donate Plasma If You Have An Open Wound

On rare occasions, donors may be deferred for reasons not listed on our website or educational materials to protect the safety of the donors and/or patients. For example, an open wound may be cause for deferral, and donors should disclose if they have any wounds prior to donation for a safety assessment.

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Can You Donate Blood If You Have Herpes Or Hpv

Herpes and HPV are sexually transmitted infections , which affect the skin and/or mucous membranes. But can you donate blood if you have HPV, commonly known as human papillomavirus? What about herpes? Heres the good news: the answer is a definitive yes. Keep reading to learn more details.

HPV and herpes are two separate viruses with many similarities. Both of them may cause lesions in the genital regions however, they may also be present without causing any symptoms. Though similar, HPV is more common than herpes.

Hypertension Or Low Blood Pressure

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Hypertension and medication for it are not obstacles to blood donation if the blood pressure can be managed with the drug therapy. To ensure that the body has become used to the effects of the medication, drug therapy must have been started at least two weeks before donating blood.

Low blood pressure and dizziness

If you have low blood pressure, you may donate blood if you are asymptomatic without medication. If your low blood pressure causes symptoms of illness, you take a medicine that raises blood pressure, or if you have fainted because of your low blood pressure, we do not recommend that you donate blood.

Young people often have lower blood pressure, which, for most people, corrects itself with age.

Would you like more information? Please call the free information number for blood donors on +358 800 0 5801 .

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Can You Donate Plasma If You Have Rheumatoid

Plasma donation is safe for most people who are in good health. The process for donating plasma is called plasmapheresis, and it doesnt take much longer than a regular blood donation. The American Red Cross does allow people with autoimmune diseases, including psoriatic arthritis, to donate blood and blood plasma.

Can You Donate Blood If You Have Hpv

Since the transmission of HPV doesnt occur through blood, you can donate blood if you have HPV. The American Red Cross guidelines about blood donation for people with HPV states that people with venereal warts may donate blood if they are otherwise feeling well and healthy and also fulfill all other eligibility criteria. Some of the requirements for donating blood are:

  • You should be feeling well and in good general health.
  • You must be at least 17 years old.
  • You must weigh at least 110 lbs.
  • You can donate whole blood every 56 days.

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Detailed Explanation Of Blood Donation

Till now, we have a sound knowledge of Herpes. So, lets elaborate on the main topic further. Previously, blood collection facilities permitted herpes carriers to donate blood as long as they were not infected. This is due to the widespread misconception that Herpes could only spread during sexual activity or through direct skin-to-skin contact.

Recent research suggests that Herpes can spread through blood transfusions regardless of whether the infected person has an active infection. Many institutions still accept blood from herpes carriers because there isnt enough evidence to refute this theory.

Although HSV-2 is more dangerous than HSV-1, many hospitals accept blood donations from carriers of either virus. If you have cold sores or new or unhealed lesions, you might not be able to donate blood if you have HSV-1 or 2. You can donate again after your herpes sores have fully recovered or 48 hours after receiving the antiviral drug for the infection.

If you are still unsure whether you are eligible to donate blood, visit MyPositiveSingles to be assessed for sexually transmitted diseases.

Hereditary Diseases Or Genetic Disorders

Can You Donate Blood If You Have Herpes?

Individuals who have fallen ill due to the following diseases are not eligible:

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease , Variant CJD , or any Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies If you have been diagnosed or if any relative of yours has been diagnosed with CJD, vCJD, or any TSEs, you cannot donate.
  • Hemochromatosis

You cant donate plasma if you:

  • have had most types of cancer
  • have some heart conditions
  • have received blood, platelets, plasma or any other blood products after 1 January 1980
  • have tested positive for HIV or HTLV
  • have had an organ transplant
  • are a hepatitis B carrier
  • are a hepatitis C carrier
  • have injected non-prescribed drugs including body-building and injectable tanning agents

There are other medical conditions that may mean you cant donate. Please call us on 0300 123 23 23 to check if you can donate.

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