Sunday, September 8, 2024

What’s The Treatment For Herpes

How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Herpes Simplex

What is Shingles?

During an outbreak, a dermatologist often can diagnose herpes simplex by looking at the sores. To confirm that a patient has herpes simplex, a dermatologist may take a swab from a sore and send this swab to a laboratory.

When sores are not present, other medical tests, such as blood tests, can find the herpes simplex virus.

How Is Genital Herpes Treated

There is no cure for genital herpes. However, it is possible to reduce the symptoms using anti-viral medicine. This is most effective when started within 72 hours of the first symptoms.

Medicines can help control outbreaks if they are frequent or severe. Anti-viral medicine can reduce the risk from passing the virus on to a sexual partner.

The symptoms can also be helped by:

  • gently bathing the area with a warm salt solution
  • pain medicine, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • local anaesthetic ointment or cream
  • urinating while sitting in a warm bath, if urination is painful

How Is Genital Herpes Diagnosed

The best way to find out if you have genital herpes is to have a sexual health check-up. This may involve a physical examination and a swab from the affected area to test for HSV. To confirm genital herpes the lab needs to find herpes simplex virus types 1 or 2 on a swab.

Diagnosis is easier if early ulcers or blisters are present.

Because it is possible to have another STI at the same time, a full sexual health check-up should be done.

Sexual contacts should be informed of the diagnosis and it may be advisable for them to have a sexual health check-up.

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How Are Initial Outbreaks Treated

Antiviral medications can help to control the symptoms and shorten the duration of initial herpes outbreaks by 2 to 4 days. The treatment of an initial outbreak should be started within the first three days the earlier, the better.

The medications are taken as tablets. The number of tablets per day depends on the active ingredient and the dose. The World Health Organization recommends the following doses and amounts for treating an initial outbreak:

  • aciclovir: 200 mg five times per day or 400 mg three times per day,
  • famciclovir: 250 mg three times per day, or
  • valaciclovir: 500 mg two times per day.

The WHO recommends that the treatment last ten days.

These three medications are about as effective as each other. Aciclovir is the most commonly used because doctors and patients have the most experience with this medication.

Features To Consider When Buying Cat Eye Drops

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One product that cat owners should have on hand is a bottle or two of eye drops for their cats, especially if their furry friends frequently experience allergies or conditions that directly affect their eyes.

Cats that wander in and out of the house may occasionally get some irritants like dirt and dust in their eyes. Hence, even perfectly healthy cats would greatly benefit if their fur parents have readily available eye drops at home.

Since this type of medication often addresses symptoms and is not directly used for a full treatment of any ailment, they are safe to use daily. When buying, find a medication with these features to ensure that you get the best product for your furry friends:

Safe Ingredients. Examine the ingredients list and make sure that the eye drops youre getting are entirely safe to use even without a prescription from a veterinarian. One example of a safe ingredient is hypochlorous acid, a safe antimicrobial agent. Bear in mind that the use of incorrect medication may result in further irritation which we do not want to happen. If you find products that contain alcohol or bleaching agent, its best to avoid them.

Application.Find a product that is easy to apply. Some drops may come with droppers, which make it a lot easier for cat owners to administer the application of eye drops on their fur babies.

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Medical Treatment For Oral Herpes

Oral herpes symptoms may resolve without treatment within one to two weeks.

If needed, your healthcare provider will prescribe certain antiviral medications to treat your condition. These medications help with any pain you may be experiencing as well as alleviate symptoms more quickly.

Medications that are used to treat HSV-1 include acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir, which are most effective if taken when initial warning signs of an incoming flare-up appear and before blisters develop.

What Are The Symptoms Of Genital Herpes

Most people infected with genital herpes have no symptoms, but some people can experience:

  • stinging or tingling in the genital area
  • small blisters on the genital area that develop into small painful red sores
  • sores that look like a rash or cracked skin on the genitals
  • difficulty passing urine

The first episode of infection can also have flu-like symptoms such as:

After the first episode, the virus remains dormant in your body for the rest of your life, which means you can experience recurrent episodes of sores and blisters.

Recurrent episodes are usually milder, shorter and less frequent over time. They are more likely to occur when your immune system is weak, due to illness, tiredness or stress.

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Keep The Area Clean And Dry

Its important to keep dry any areas affected by genital herpes sores. Moisture triggers irritation and can make outbreaks even worse. Try drying outbreaks with a hairdryer on low heat settings instead of a towel. It also helps to wear cotton underwear, since cotton is gentle and absorbs moisture much better than synthetic fabrics.

What Does Genital Herpes Look Like

Why Herpes Flare Up

While some people with genital herpes will never have any symptoms, other people can develop symptoms within a few weeks of being infected.

Often, before the lesions appear, patients describe a prodrome, characterized by a tingling or burning sensation in the area where the lesions will develop that can be noticed during urination, along with itching or discomfort in the genital area.

You can also have the following symptoms:

  • Blisters on the mouth or lips
  • Fever, headache or pain in the joints
  • Trouble urinating

The symptoms of genital herpes often go away and come back as recurring outbreaks. For most people, the first outbreak is the worst, and can last from two to three weeks. Future flare-ups are often less severe and do not last as long. Still, some people shed the virus regularly. The following triggers can make outbreaks more likely to occur:

Recurrent genital herpes is most common in the first year after the initial infection and decreases as time goes on.

In many cases, anti-herpes medicine can help patients. When a person experiences a prodrome and suspects a recurrence is going to happen, they begin taking anti-herpes medications that lessen symptoms and shorten the time of the outbreak.

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Medicare Coverage Of Std Treatments And Screenings

If youre seeking Medicare coverage for STD treatments, scroll down to the section on prescription drug coverage. According to the National institutes of Health, STD treatments generally include prescription drugs, such as antibiotics.

Prevention and screening may help you avoid having to get STD treatments. Medicare may cover screening for sexually transmitted diseases , also known as sexually transmitted infections , under Medicare Part B as a preventive service benefit.

While it may not cover STD treatment, Medicare Part B may cover screening lab tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and/or hepatitis B. These screening lab tests may be covered if you are pregnant and/or who have an increased risk for an STD. Medicare will also cover short counseling sessions on STD prevention to those at risk.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting screened for an STD if you:

  • Have had multiple sex partners
  • Have a new sex partner
  • Have a sex partner whos infected with an STD
  • Are a man who has had sex with men
  • Use street drugs and share your equipment with anyone

STD screenings and behavioral counseling may be provided at no cost if your doctor accepts Medicare assignment and determines you are at an increased risk for contracting an STD. If you receive behavioral counseling, you must receive the counseling from a primary care practitioner in a primary care setting, such as a doctors office, or it might not be covered.

What Triggers Herpes Outbreaks

2018 article , the initial outbreak of genital herpes is usually the result of skin contact, normally during sexual activity, including oral sex. Further outbreaks can be caused by having multiple sexual partners, stress, sunlight, colds, menstruation, and wearing tight clothes.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association writes that cold sores can be triggered by stress, fatigue, colds, flu, strong sunlight, and menstruation.

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I Had Lesions When I Was Evaluated But My Culture Was Negative Does This Mean That I Dont Have Herpes

Not necessarily. Although lesions can be caused by something other than herpes, false negative herpes tests can occur if the samples are not taken appropriately, if there is a long transport time between the clinic and the laboratory, or if cultures were taken late in the course of the lesions. Lesions that occur early in the course of a herpes outbreak are much more likely to have positive cultures than cultures taken after the lesions crust over.

Best Zinc Supplement: Thorne Zinc Picolinate

Homemade remedy to get rid of herpes in 24 hours
  • daily allowance of zinc, larger bottles are expensive

These zinc capsules are gluten, dairy, and soy-free.

Thorne claims that these supplements may support immune and reproductive health. Each capsule contains 30 mg of zinc.

The company recommends taking one capsule per day.

It is important to note that 30 mg of zinc is more than double the daily recommended value, which the National Institutes of Health states is 811 mg for adults.

A person can choose between bottles containing 60 or 180 capsules. They can also choose a bottle that holds National Sanitation Foundation certification for sport, meaning the product has been tested and found to be free of banned substances.

Thorne Zinc Picolinate 30 mg costs $1735.

  • the medicinal plant Tripterygium hypoglaucum
  • compounds in the oil of cloves and the essential oil of cinnamon and basil

A person can use oils in a diffuser, diluted in a carrier oil, added to a bath, or massaged on the skin.

People should not consume essential oils, as some are toxic and can cause harm.

When using essential oils for aromatherapy, it is also important to consider anyone else in the area. Some essential oils are harmful to pets and pregnant or nursing people.

Using a carrier oil is important, as the essential oil may cause adverse effects if a person applies it directly to the skin. Carrier oils

Some medications can lower the chance of spreading the herpes virus and reduce the severity and frequency of the symptoms.

Also Check: How Can You Catch Herpes

How Is Genital Herpes Managed Or Treated

If you have mild symptoms or infrequent outbreaks, you might not need or want treatment. During an outbreak, these steps can ease symptoms:

  • Apply an ice pack to your genitals. Wrap the ice pack in a washcloth or apply it over your underwear.
  • Keep your genitals dry. Wear cotton or other nonsynthetic underpants and avoid tight-fitting clothes. Moist sores take longer to heal.
  • Soak in a warm bath.
  • Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing.
  • Topical 1% or 2% lidocaine may be used as topical analgesic

Antiviral medications can prevent outbreaks. They can also lessen symptoms and help symptoms go away faster. You take this medicine as a pill or intravenous injection. When taken daily, antivirals can prevent an outbreak. They lower the chances of spreading the virus to other people.

Recommendations About Diet For Herpes Sufferers

In this section you will be able to read recommendations including which foods to eat and which to avoid in your diet and why.

The list of recommendations is listed first, followed by an explanation of each recommendation.

If you are infected with the herpes simplex virus, you should commit to the following recommendations:

  • Eat a diet high in lysine and low in arginine.
  • Say no to coffee, tea and chocolate.
  • Do not eat moldy food.
  • Avoid alcohol or reduce your alcohol intake to a minimum.
  • Reduce sugar consumption.
  • Eat a diet without processed foods.
  • Avoid dehydration.

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Herpes Treatment With Aciclovir

Aciclovir is an antiviral medication which is used to treat genital herpes. It is sometimes referred to as acyclovir. It works by stopping the herpes virus from replicating, reducing the severity of the infection. This helps to prevent the virus from spreading, reducing the seriousness of symptoms. It also helps to speed up the healing process. It usually takes around 2-3 days for aciclovir to start working. To treat an outbreak, you should takeone 400mg tablet three times a day. Alternatively, you can take one 200mg tablet five times a day.

You can also take aciclovir daily to help reduce the chances of getting a flare up. This is known as suppression therapy. The dose for suppression therapy is to take one 400mg tablet two times a day.

Side effects do not affect everyone, but may include stomach pain, dizziness, fatigue, headache, and skin reactions. It may be possible to take aciclovir if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, but you should check this with your doctor. They will determine whether the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks.

Dosage For Shingles Genital Herpes Or Chickenpox

Pimple, Ingrown Hair, or Herpes?

Adult dosage

  • Shingles typical dosage: 800 mg every 4 hours, five times per day for 710 days.
  • Genital herpes:
  • Typical initial dosage: 200 mg every 4 hours, five times per day, for 10 days.
  • Typical dosage for prevention of recurrent herpes: 400 mg twice per day, every day for up to 12 months. Other dosing plans may include doses ranging from 200 mg three times daily to 200 mg five times daily. Your doctor will decide how long you should take this drug to avoid a flare-up of the infection.
  • Typical dosage for reinfection : 200 mg every 4 hours, five times per day, for 5 days. You should take this drug as soon as the first signs of a flare-up appear.
  • Chickenpox typical dosage: Take 800 mg four times per day for 5 days. Start this drug as soon as your first symptom of chickenpox appears. It isnt known if this drug is effective if you start it more than 24 hours after the first sign of chickenpox.
  • Child dosage

    • Chickenpox typical dosage:
    • Children who weigh 40 kg or less: 20 mg/kg of body weight, given four times per day for 5 days
    • Children who weigh more than 40 kg: 800 mg four times per day for 5 days

    Start this drug as soon as the first symptom of chickenpox appears. It isnt known if this drug is effective if your child starts it more than 24 hours after the first sign of chickenpox.

    Child dosage

    It hasnt been confirmed that acyclovir is safe and effective for children younger than 2 years.

    Senior dosage

    Also Check: What Foods To Eat To Prevent Herpes Outbreaks

    Suppressive Therapy For Recurrent Hsv

    Suppressive therapy reduces frequency of genital herpes recurrences by 70%80% among patients who have frequent recurrences . Persons receiving such therapy often report having experienced no symptomatic outbreaks. Suppressive therapy also is effective for patients with less frequent recurrences. Long-term safety and efficacy have been documented among patients receiving daily acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir . Quality of life is improved for many patients with frequent recurrences who receive suppressive therapy rather than episodic treatment . Providers should discuss with patients on an annual basis whether they want to continue suppressive therapy because frequency of genital HSV-2 recurrence diminishes over time for many persons. However, neither treatment discontinuation nor laboratory monitoring is necessary because adverse events and development of HSV antiviral resistance related to long-term antiviral use are uncommon.

    Valacyclovir 500 mg orally 2 times/day for 3 daysOR

    Valacyclovir 1 gm orally once daily for 5 days

    *Acyclovir 400 mg orally 3 times/day is also effective, but are not recommended because of frequency of dosing.

    Herpes Simplex Eye Infections

    Herpes simplex eye infections are a potentially serious type of eye infection.

    Theyre caused by a virus called herpes simplex usually the herpes simplex virus type 1 , which also causes cold sores.

    Its important to get medical help if you think you may have the infection, as your vision could be at risk if its not treated.

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    Is It Safe To Breastfeed If I Have Genital Herpes

    Yes as long as there isnt an open lesion on your chest or breast. If you have an active outbreak while breastfeeding, its possible to spread the infection to your nipples through touch. Careful hand-washing can prevent this spread. You shouldnt nurse from a breast that has herpes sores. You can pump breast milk until the sores heal. Dont give your baby expressed breast milk if the pump comes into contact with an open sore.

    Why You Should Go To A Sexual Health Clinic

    What Your Doctor Will Not Tell You about Herpes : A Natural Easy herbal ...

    You can see a GP, but they’ll probably refer you to a sexual health clinic if they think you might have genital herpes.

    Sexual health clinics treat problems with the genitals and urine system.

    Many sexual health clinics offer a walk-in service, where you do not need an appointment.

    They’ll often get test results quicker than GP practices and you do not have to pay a prescription fee for treatment.

    Also Check: How Can You Know If You Have Herpes

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